At eleven years old I received my first guitar. My interest in sports and skateboarding quickly evaporated as I spent my free time learning the fingerboard, fumbling my way through heavy metal covers and understanding the components of the instrument.

I studied audio engineering in college but wanted more emphasis on working with my hands, leading me to the Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery in the Fall of 2011. Shortly after graduating I got a call for an opening at a repair shop in Mesa. I spent a few months training with luthier Roy Huffman before being set loose to run the place on my own under the employment of Al Inteso, whom I purchased the business from in 2018.

The appreciation I have for my clientele and the friends I’ve made along the way is immeasurable. I hope to reflect the dedication of my work into your instruments. I have no interest in status, esteem or ego; I just like making broken things less broken.

-Brendan Dezember